God?! Is that, really, You …

A thing or two that I have learned about hearing from God. 

  1. Why can’t it be super simple?

I have to admit, I am a bit jealous of Moses. I mean, not only did he actually, truly see God with his own eyes but God spoke to him out of a burning bush; out of a pillar of cloud; the Bible even says that He spoke to Moses face-to-face as one speaks to a friend (Exodus 33:11). In my book, that makes hearing from God super straightforward. Fast-forward 2500 years and we are still yearning to hear from God but it doesn’t seem quite so simple. 

  1. Actually, it just might be.

While I think we would all like the solidified confirmation of a shrub fire or a booming, ominous, distinct voice I believe that God speaks to us in a variety of ways … all which are contradictory to the resonating bellow of an audible vocalization. It is the power of the whisper that catches us at that exact moment. It is the check in our spirit when we are veering off the chosen path. It is the inexplicable series of events that supernaturally fall into place and give us favor.

  1. Jiminy Cricket knew a thing or two.

Let your conscious be your guide. As the Holy Spirit lives in us He becomes our conscious and will help navigate us in all situations. And … insert the dreaded pause … surrender to it. Don’t ask why. This goes against the grain of all human nature especially the nature of women. But, we are not given all the answers to our whys. Actually, the more I learn the more I realize we are rarely provided with the why. We are asked to merely walk in obedience. 

  1. Don’t look for human validation.

The first thing we tend to do as women is look to our closest friends for confirmation that we are not crazy. Joyce Meyer’s says that if it sounds crazy to you how do you think it sounds to others? No one is walking your path therefore why would we think our course would make sense to them? Walk to out; no matter how crazy it sounds; obedience is key.

  1. Peace of mind.

No matter how ridiculous it sounds if we are walking in obedience we will always have resounding peace. We will not have to explain it. We will not have to justify it. We will just have to live … peacefully. And, that is the greatest place to reside.

  1. Never lost … completely.

God will ALWAYS meet us where we are when we take one step of faith. Miraculously, He always shows up to do the rest. I have found that even when I missed His voice and wandered so far off course that I thought a Navy Seal would have to rescue me back to reality I found that God never left me. And, when I finally did take that one step of obedience He was right there with open, loving arms to bring me back to Him.

If we are truly looking, we will always hear from God!

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27