I love reading and am totally "geekily" inspired by articles that ask questions. So, I wanted to do an experiment on social media that depicts that. Here are 7 questions that I love to know about anyone whom I meet. And, because this is transparent and, therefore, a bit intimidating I thought I would go first. I would love for you to respond to this post or send me your answers via facebook. What is the best advice you give?
Do what you love! No matter how much money it does or does not pay you should always do what inspires you in the morning and lets you sleep peacefully at night.
What is your worst failure and what did you learn from it?
My marriage. I wanted to be whom he wanted me to be and I wanted him to be whom I wanted him to be and we were so far from that. Marriage is about accepting the other where they are and making a commitment to grow together rather letting life tear you apart. From this I learned to be honest about all situations (although the lesson was not instantaneous). But, always evaluate things and people for what they are and not what YOU aspire them to be.
What is your proudest moment?
I think it is when I finally made VP of my company. I had worked so many years to be great at my job. I have always loved my career and have worked very hard at being the best. I left the comfort of a company I had been a part of for many, many years because I knew the ceiling was low. There were so many talented leaders that I was up against for the next level and while I loved the company dearly I knew I had to branch out to grow more quickly.
What do you think is beautiful?
People who are and can totally be themselves. God made each of us unique. Those who recognize and thrive in that are the most beautiful to me.
What do you love most about you?
My intuition and wisdom. For years I steered cleared of what my gut and heart told me. Lately, I have learned that had I listened to them both a long time ago I think I would have saved myself from much heartache.
What is your most influential moment?
I am not sure I have had ONE profound moment but I hope that amongst my small circle of #3CCF I am influential often. I am learning that just because I have an opinion or can see the forest through the trees does not mean I need to help the other person see or do the same. Holding my tongue has been a huge lesson in maturity for me.
What is your most prized possession?
Things my sister creates for me. I have always had a work ledger in which all notes and thoughts of the day are recorded. Right now I have one in which my sister made me and every few pages it contains encouraging phrases that, truly, consist of no more than a five words but are extremely inspiring and motivating.